Days in My Summertime

As winter turns to spring,
I take my drive down Sheridan from time to time,
Thinking about the people that live in those houses,
And how they must feel so small in a house so big,

Then I park at my favorite beach,
Where it is so quiet that you can hear the waves crash,
I listen to my audiobook and cry,
Because in the end they will always eventually die,

At that beach I can take off my clothes and swim,
Where there is no one around to stare,
Allowing the emptiness to spread inside as I float,
And look into the sun until my eyes start to water,

After I take my drive back from the lake,
The houses shrink the closer I get to my home,
How does g-d above choose who lives a pleasant life,
Until I know I’ll just keep driving down Sheridan road.




i’m afraid of forgetting.