Ghost From The Past

Ghosts From The Past

I met Holly riding the bus in our community. She is very attractive with a winsome smile and piercing eyes that I would trade anything for. She was also the bus driver. At that time Holly also worked for the military and went to school to become a nurse. After becoming a nurse Holly didn't drive the bus that much, but one of her fellow bus drivers mentioned to me that one of Holly's patients had died and it had a negative impact on her. 

It brought back ghosts from my past as I also had a job in which people died which had a negative impact on me. I used to help people deal with their addictions. One former client relapsed and overdosed leaving a one year old child behind. Another former client on one Mother's day killed two of his next door neighbors. Since that time Mother's day has never been the same for me. 

As a caring person those incidents affected me just as Holly's affected her. You just can't take the human part of you out of the equation. I did tell Holly I was sorry for the loss of her patient. Holly is also a caring person and I don't want her to experience the same negative impact as my situation did with me. 

They can teach you every aspect of how to perform your job except one, how to deal with second guessing. Holly if you’re reading this you are going to have a lot of success in your job and you probably won't give it a second thought. Please give the successes more attention than the failures that's what makes the job enjoyable (helping people). 

     Holly's true reflection is beauty and she made the bus fun to ride.


My Big Brother

