Push Me Higher, Granny

She was so happy to see her grandson for the first time! It was such a bittersweet moment, and yet one that she waited for since the moment she found out he'd be arriving.

"Oh, the resemblance!" she thought.

The eyes, that ornery, crooked, little smile? The way he entered into sight- loud and unapologetically.

My goodness, there was no doubt this was her daughter's child. And HER grandchild. The first embrace was better than she could have dreamed of, and she did often.

Watching him settle in and start to grow was a true gift and one she sadly knew his parents wouldn't be able to share. Not for now, at least. But they knew he was in good hands.

He started calling her "granny" soon after she told him that her first granddaughter had coined that name as more of a jab because she'd always said her grandkids couldn't call her anything that made her sound old! She really didn't mind it. It was affectionate.

Everyday was beautiful. They never left each other's sides but for a moment. They'd even had a few visitors from old friends and even family that Granny was so proud to introduce to her grandson.

They laughed all the time, and Granny taught him nursery rhymes. They sang songs. Some that they even made up. Granny would tell him stories about his mom and dad. They talked often about how much he was wanted and prayed for. She told him how the little curl that fell right at his left temple had surely come from his daddy.

Sometimes, Granny and he would be lucky enough to find an empty swing, which was unusual with all the other children there. He'd run to grab it and plop down excitedly. Before long, he was giggling and flying high through the clouds.

"Push me higher, granny!" he'd exclaim.

"Well, not too high now," she'd say. "We don't want any boo boos".

He'd giggle at her suggestion, laughing and saying "You're so silly, granny, you know I don't get boo boos"

In one big leap off the swing, he'd pounce back onto his feet. He'd run up and sit right on Granny's lap, "Tell me about my mom again, Granny"

So she'd tell him all the great stories about Mommy as a little girl and how much he was like her. She'd laugh at all the similarities he had with his Daddy, too.

He laid his little head on her, hugging her arm as tight as his little hands could.

"Do you miss her, Granny?"

"Yep, I do," she'd say with no hesitation but a little sigh and a big smile.

"Do you think we'll see her and Daddy again someday?"

"Yep, I do. I know, in fact", she said with confidence.

"When? Soon?" - he pressed.

Granny would say, "I don't know the day or time, only God does. He knew when I was coming, and YOU, too. But it'll be whenever her time and purpose are fulfilled down there. In the meantime, we'll keep each other company and enjoy watching over her and Daddy from up here."

They both smiled and closed their eyes briefly, imagining that special day.


This Is Why


Death Ugo